Social Media Policy
Springwood Doctors has an appointed staff member as a social media officer responsible for managing and monitoring the practice’s social media accounts. All posts on the practice’s social media and website must be approved by this staff member. The practice reserves the right to remove any content at its own discretion.
No images, content or confidential information from within Springwood Doctors or management is to be posted on any social media platform without express permission of Springwood Doctors management team.
Employees should not respond to comments and reviews left by patients and clients without prior
authorisation from the management team.
Our practice may observe the content and information made available by employees through social media.
Examples of prohibited social media content include posting commentary, content or images that are defamatory, pornographic, propriety, harassing or libelous. Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not public. Employees must get appropriate permission before referring or posting images of current or former employees, contractors or patients. Employees must be clear that their online posts are personal and purely their own. The practice should not be held liable for any repercussions the employees content may generate.
Where an employee becomes aware of inappropriate or unlawful online content that relates to Springwood Doctors, or content that may otherwise have been published in breach of this policy the situation and circumstances should be reported immediately to the Practice Manager or Management team.
Employees must show respect for others and others opinions in all posts.