Communication Policy
Patients are able to obtain advice or information related to their care or appointment reminders by electronic means, where the doctor determines that a face-to-face consultation is unnecessary. Electronic communication includes: email, fax, and SMS. Practice staff and doctors determine how they communicate electronically with patients, both receiving and sending messages. All significant electronic contact with patients is recorded in the patient health records.
Patients are advised through the Practice Information Sheet (PIS) of the practice policy on electronic communications including:
- Seeking permission or consent from patients
- The possibility for electronic communications and information to be compromised
- Notification of any costs involved
- The frequency of which emails are read by a member of practice staff
When an email message is sent or received in the course of a person’s duties, that message is a business communication and therefore constitutes an official record.
Employees should be aware that electronic communications could, depending on the technology, be forwarded, intercepted, printed and stored by others. Electronic mail is the equivalent of a post card. In regards to this, health information given in electronic communications should be limited and discussed in more general terms. Patients should be advised that information may be compromised.
Wherever possible, the practice should ensure secure encryption of emails is taking place. The practice uses an email disclaimer notice on outgoing emails that are affiliated with the practice.
Springwood Doctors is mindful that even if patients have provided electronic contact details, they may not be proficient in communication via electronic means and patient consent needs to be obtained before engaging in electronic communication. Electronic communication includes Email, Facsimile (fax) and short message services (SMS). Our emails are hosted by Microsoft 365 which is extremely confidential.
Communication with patients via electronic means is conducted with appropriate regards to privacy. Springwood Doctors does not communicate with patients about their medical conditions through email, unless they request us to do so.
At Springwood Doctors we use email for the following:
-Ordering supplies/sample medication
-Sending invoices for
-Receiving requests for reports from Work Cover/Insurance
-Receiving updated health information Receiving patient complaints-to Practice Manager email
-Patients requesting results or medical certificate to be emailed to them