Zero Tolerance Policy
Springwood Doctors expects that all patients and visitors will be respectful and courteous when interacting with staff. Patients and visitors should:
- Treat others as they would like to be treated
- Use appropriate speaking level and tone
- Communicate without using threats, abuse or offensive language
- Act without using offensive gestures or behaviour
All our staff are trained and dedicated to serve you and you will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. In return, we ask that you and anyone that you bring with you to the Practice treat our administrative and clinical staff with the same courtesy and respect.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any verbal, aggressive and violent abuse and behaviour towards our staff or other patients. We respectfully advise you that abuse and/or violence will not be tolerated.
If a patient or anyone a patient brings with them to the Practice, is abusive, aggressive or violent towards our staff and/or other patients the police will be called and may result in you being removed from our Practice list.
Springwood Doctors reserves the right to cease verbal or written correspondence with anyone found to be in breach of this policy.